Water Pump & Fan Clutch assembly

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Optimize functionality and efficiency with a US Motor Works Max Cooling Kit. Reinstalling a worn fan clutch on a new water pump can damage and destroy the new water pump, and vice-versa. The interconnected nature of these two components are often overlooked during the replacement process, but the Max Cooling Kit allows mechanics and DIY consumers the opportunity to restore the engine cooling power to maximum efficiency in one step.

This kit is designed for vehicles where the fan clutch is mounted to the water pump and operates on the water pump shaft.

Features & Benefits:
  • Restore cooling power with water pump and fan clutch
  • Save time and labor with one SKU
  • Includes gaskets, and applicable hardware

Benefits of Purchasing a Complete Kit

Do the job right the first time with the added benefits of a complete Water Pump & Fan Clutch Assembly:

  • Extend Life & Protect Your Engine: The water pump and fan clutch operate on the same shaft and wear at the same rate. Replacing one without the other may cause inefficient cooling operation or premature failure of the new replacement part.
  • Save Time & Money: The cost of the complete assembly is often less than buying the Water Pump, Fan Clutch and installation hardware individually, and replacing all of the components at the same time means you only have to do the job (or pay for labor) once.